Editor’s Note: Around $500 was collected last Sunday, August 26, 2012 to accomplish a lay initiative to give backpacks to disadvantaged school children nearby the Seaford Area. For a small church, this is a great accomplishment for such a short notice and almost an impromptu project.
Mr. Robert Mackreth, Lay Eucharistic Minister and former Senior Warden,
pitched his appeal this way:
I heard on the news last night that “there are over 1,000 active hate groups in the United States.” Over 1,000 active hate groups in a country that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles!” I wondered how many active love groups there are.
Certainly every church should, by definition, be a love group. And here in Seaford,
we have an opportunity to show that
we are one.
Yesterday (at our Parish Training on Mission-Shaped Church), some of us spent several hours with Father Vergara discussing what a missional church should look like - a church with a clear sense of what it is about and how it intends to fulfill its role as an instrument of God's will and purpose. One of the distinguishing characteristics of such a church is that “it responds to human
need through loving service.”
In a letter I wrote to my children, copies of which were distributed this morning, I asked if they would contribute to a fund drive to buy backpacks for disadvantaged children who will be going back to school next month. These are children from needy families served by the non-sectarian outreach program of St. Martin of Tours
in Amityville.
I have heard from two of my three children (the third will hear from me!). My daughter, not surprisingly, did not follow my instructions and gave me a check for $20.00 rather than the $10.00 or less
I suggested. That's a start.
I ask that all of us at St. Michael's consider contributing what we can for this
purpose - no later than next Sunday, if possible, since time is short to purchase the backpacks and arrange for them to be distributed. I shall be asking the Vestry to approve matching whatever is
contributed up to $100.00.
In his sermon this morning, Father Vergara spoke of the importance of family. We in this parish are indeed a family. But we are also family to every other human being on earth. Family members help one another in time of need. May we demonstrate that through this simple act of loving service.
(Photo Caption: Robert “Bob” Mackreth (in blue shirt) with Rev. Dr. Fred Vergara, priest-in-charge of St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, with the Zoder Family, new members of the church.)

Farewell From Fr. Fred & Sis. Angie
March 31, 2013 (Easter Sunday)
Dear Family at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church:
Words cannot describe how deeply grateful we are for your friendship and love. When we first came to this church some four years ago, we hardly know anyone of you. But now, we feel that we know all of you. We are intimately connected as family.
Throughout these past years, we worshipped together, prayed together, struggled together, laughed together. We had special moments, whether they be the “Night of the Races” in the Resurrection Hall or the Barbecue picnics in the park. We have grown spiritually and numerically. Where before we had only two children at Sunday School, now we have a lot. The same with youth. Our lay leadership is strong,
We leave today to venture to a new church and take on a new challenge but we hold you close to our hearts and lift you up for God’s continued guidance and care. You are a spiritual beckon in Seaford, shining your light to the community. “Parting is such sweet sorrow,” as Shakespeare wrote. But we leave also with joy, knowing that you have become a more mature, more united and more empowered people. We may still see each other whether it be in the Diocese of Long Island, at St. James Church in Elmhurst (which is our next parish) or here in Seaford for some special events. But we wish to let you know that you remain our BFF---best friends forever.
With love and prayers,
Fr. Fred & Sis. Angie Vergara |
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church
2197 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY 11783
Calendar of Event (DEC. 2012-FEBRUARY 2013)
12/2/12 - 1st Sunday of Advent (Advent Lesson)
12/9/12 – 2nd Sunday of Advent (Greening of the Church)
12/16/12 -3rd Sunday of Advent (Sunday School Rehearsal)
12/23/12 –Lessons & Carols Eucharist (With Tea Social)
12/24/12 – Christmas Eve & Pageant (8:30 P.M.-w/Wine & Cheese Social)
12/25/12 – Christmas Morning Prayer with Blessed Communion
01/5/13 – ECW LUNCHEON & Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s
(Date & Place to be announced)
01/6/2013 – Epiphany & New Year Sunday
01/12/2013 – NIGHT OF THE RACES (5:00 p.m.) (Diocesan Convention)
01/13/13 – Baptism of Jesus Sunday
01/20/13 – 2nd Sunday of Epiphany (Annual General Meeting)
1/27/13 – Morning Prayer
12/3/13 – Holy Eucharist (Fr. Brown)
2/10/13 – Morning Prayer
2/13/13 - Ash Wednesday (8:30 P.M.)
Ten Reasons Why You Would Like to Be at St. Michael’s, Seaford:
- We are a Welcoming Church. We welcome the old and the young, the parents and children, friends and acquaintances, visitors and strangers, people in all sorts and conditions. In our church, “there is no outcast.” Check out the testimonies.
- We are a Family Church. The intimacy of a small church is a blessing. We know each other by name, pray for each individual, and encourage one another. Our events are often family-oriented: Family worship, Children’s School, Annual picnic, Youth Bowling, Church Women activities; Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s
@ St. Michael’s. Check out our events.
- We are a Neighborhood Church. For those living in Seaford, we are near the Seaford Library, near the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Merrick Road. There are parking spaces on church ground as well as public parking near the Library.
- We are a Historic Church. You will see our church bell, with the date 1897. Of course, the church was founded before that. The first service was in a shed in August 18, 1889 organized by three single ladies: Maria, Henrietta and Sarah. Check out our history.
- We are a Teaching Church. Our priest preaches a simple and practical sermon. We believe the Bible is “God’s love letter to God’s People” and so the message must be readable, understandable and adaptable to our lives. Check out the sermons at http.// We have Advent and Lenten Seminars that relate to spirituality, mission, stewardship and ministry.
- We are a Caring Church. Our priest or our trained Lay Eucharistic Visitors visit the sick and shut-ins to give the Blessed Holy Communion. We pray for healing of the sick and all forms of blessing (birthday, house blessing, car blessing, etc.). There is Catholic Charities and AA groups that use our Hall.
- We are a Social Networking Church. Find us in
- We are an empowering Church. New members, seeing a need want to make a difference. “I am a frustrated singer, I want to sing.” Join our Choir. “I am a former plumber, I want to fix the sink.” Please go ahead. We emphasize asset-building and positive thinking.
- We are a Church on the Way. One person commented we are a “Gas Station Church.” People on their journey stop by our church, get the “in-filling of the Holy Spirit,” and move on with their journey.
- We are a Missional Church. The heartbeat of our church, in the words of our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, is “mission, mission, mission.” Both in the City of Seaford and in other parts of the world, we do what we can, to serve Christ’s mission.
The Rev. Dr. Winfred B. Vergara, Priest-in-Charge
Facebook: www.

Lindsay and Heather have been members of our church since they were eight years old, and both of their parents are very active volunteers, as well as being Vestry members. They are former Sunday School attendees who chose to become Acolytes for St. Michael & All Angels in order to follow in their older sister's footsteps, whom is now away in college. They wanted to be able to make a contribution to the church and to help Father Fred in celebrating the Eucharist. Lindsay said "she loves our church because it's small enough to get to know everyone, everyone is nice, and she feels closer to God when she's there". Heather too likes the intimacy of the church and all of the members knowing each other in a very friendly way. She said "she can feel God's presence during services each Sunday, and feel's comfort in that". Lindsay and Heather always pitch-in during church family events as well, such as during our Chinese Auction and Night At The Races. Also, they recently represented the parish as Youth Delegates during the "Diocesan Convention." We look forward to there ideas in how to make our church a fun place for many teenagers and young adults, as the St Michael's for Teens events will expand this year!

Mission Statement:
“We are a multi-generational community of Christian faith that supports and strives to expand an active ministry of Jesus Christ through traditional and contemporary corporate worship, the unconditional embrace of all whom we can reach and the shared endeavor to grow spiritually through prayer, example, education and service.”
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